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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Files Not Uploading
Hi, I am trying to upload a substantial amount of files. It was working fine until an hour ago and now it will not upload anything through sytist site. Can you help me on this as I have a deadline of tomorrow to give gallery access to all clients.
Have you contacted your host?
Sounds like you've encountered hosting security measures, run out of space or hit a file limit to me
I am not hosting myself , I am paying sytist to host. According to my file limit on the home admin page `I have loads of space left.
AHH sorry. Ignore me then.
Tim will need to see it.
I know, I was thinking the same. Thanks a million for responding though.
Are you getting any errors or are they just not moving?
Try again as I have set up some additional error reporting.
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Hi Tim,
I tried again there, No errors, says failed 0 in red, the bar that normally goes red on an error underneath each file isn't there either, just a tiny sliver of a bar.
Try again now, I think it is resolved.
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no unfortunately not, same thing happened.
I also have duplicates of images in the photos that I did manage to upload. I know i did not upload them twice. I don't know if that is any help to you. One whole batch that I uploaded duplicated all the files including qr codes.
I am able to upload to your site without issue. I am also not getting any error messages.
Which gallery are you uploading to that has duplicates?
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TUS Athlone Tues 29th of Oct has the duplicates.
I tried uploading there and still no go. Im on a Mac, what do you use?
PC, but shouldn't matter.
Email the first 3 photos you are trying to upload. Add them to the email as an attachment.
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So i switched computers and its working on that. The 3 images wouldn't attach on email either. Why the original mac is not accepting those files is still a mystery. Is there an easy way to get rid of those duplicate in the TUS Tues gallary? Will the qr system still work if there are 2 identical qr codes in the qr checker?
I have removed the duplicate photos from that gallery.
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