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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Csv And Folders And Group Photos
I have just recently moved from the -dash- method ive been using since 2019, to uploading folders and renaming them from the CSV afterwards using FOLDER and PASSWORD and i'm liking it very much.
I cant work out how to show the group photos though? I'd rather not have to copy them all to every folder ( unless someone knows a super speedy hack ).. and i'd rather not divert from from my main earning page of individual photos.
I used to be able to have a -GROUP- photo that everyone can see, but as far as I can work out, once you used the folder method, you can't see generic pics that are outside that folder?
Any tips? Ive tried searching the manual. Thanks.
There is a Group or Class Photo section here.
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Thanks Tim! Like the -dash- method, this works by renaming every single file. I can have 200 kids with 60 images each so spreadsheets would just be too long and silly ( 12000 lines long in the instance mentioned ).
I am enjoying the expediency of folders - all my children are in folders anyway and the native files names don't matter, so that same spreadsheet above is 200 lines only, and 200 passwords, 1 per folder/child. Import subgallery cvs passwords, bang, done, love it.
Just trying to work out how to do groups though. Especially for kids in more than 1. If each kid was in 5 ( one a day ), that would be an extra 1000 uploads of essentailly the same 5 pics.

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