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Csv And Folders And Group Photos

490 posts
Mon Nov 04, 24 3:26 PM CST

I have just recently moved from the -dash-  method ive been using since 2019, to uploading folders and renaming them from the CSV afterwards using FOLDER and PASSWORD and i'm liking it very much.

I cant work out how to show the group photos though?  I'd rather not have to copy them all to every folder ( unless someone knows a super speedy hack ).. and i'd rather not divert from from my main earning page of individual photos.

I used to be able to have a -GROUP-  photo that everyone can see, but as far as I can work out, once you used the folder method, you can't see generic pics that are outside that folder?

Any tips?  Ive tried searching the manual.  Thanks.

16,923 posts (admin)
Tue Nov 05, 24 4:14 AM CST
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
490 posts
Tue Nov 05, 24 4:30 AM CST

Thanks Tim!  Like the -dash- method, this works by renaming every single file.  I can have 200 kids with 60 images each so spreadsheets would just be too long and silly ( 12000 lines long in the instance mentioned ).

I am enjoying the expediency of folders - all my children are in folders anyway and the native files names don't matter, so that same spreadsheet above is 200 lines only, and 200 passwords, 1 per folder/child.  Import subgallery cvs passwords, bang, done, love it.

Just trying to work out how to do groups though.  Especially for kids in more than 1.  If each kid was in 5 ( one a day ), that would be an extra 1000 uploads of essentailly the same 5 pics.

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