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Cannot Change Or Remove Head Code Or Head Script

79 posts
Tue Oct 29, 24 8:34 PM CST

I am trying to remove the script in the head code and head script areas of the Header & Footer settings, but saving does not remove the content. I also cannot change this content to anything else. It's stuck there.

I've tried typing in something else. Nothing. I've tried optimizing the database, still nothing. It just keeps coming back after saving.

What do I do? The website looks really bad because I can't clear this out.

79 posts
Tue Oct 29, 24 9:15 PM CST

It turns out I can't edit anything on any of the Header/Footer settings page, or the Page Text page.

79 posts
Tue Oct 29, 24 9:19 PM CST
I have tried:

  • 3 different browsers. 
  • Clearing cache.
  • Switching themes repeatedly
  • logging out / back in
  • optimizing database several times
  • disabling javascript
16,923 posts (admin)
Wed Oct 30, 24 3:59 AM CST

It is probably triggering Mod Security. Mod security is good but also has false positives. 

You would need to contact your hosting company support and let them know you are triggering it and they can whitelist the rule you are triggering. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
79 posts
Wed Oct 30, 24 11:51 AM CST

This is installed on a DigitalOcean droplet, and I do not have ModSecurity installed.

16,923 posts (admin)
Wed Oct 30, 24 12:00 PM CST

I logged into your admin since I had access from before. 

I removed the code in Head Script I have outlined below, saved, and it removed the code. 

I added that code back, saved, and it save the code. 

What exactly is the issue? What steps do I take? 

Attached Photos

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
79 posts
Fri Nov 01, 24 9:21 PM CST

Ok, well I don't know what changed. I went and tested it again. Still wasn't working. Switched to a mobile hot spot, still wasn't working. Went to record a gif to demonstrate what I was seeing, and then it worked for the recording. Switched back to the regular wifi, and it was still working. So, I don't know. I'm at a loss.

7 total messages
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Category: Bug
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