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My Page Settings Not Loading Properly (4.6.1) Now Fixed

6 posts
Tue Oct 22, 24 9:48 AM CST

Since upgrading to version 4.6 last week, (a bit late, I know) I'm unable to access the full "PHOTO SETTINGS" page so that I can update my s3 bucket information (or even temporarily turn it off) 

attached is screenshot of my situation - - - 

My error logs show a recurring error as follows: 

[21-Oct-2024 23:17:55 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function isSuperUser() in /home/dwdmaster/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/dwdmaster/ require()
#1 /home/dwdmaster/ include('/home/dwdmaster...')
#2 {main}
  thrown in /home/dwdmaster/ on line 215

Please advise . . . . . guessing I need to revert back to old version in order to fix this quickly? 

Attached Photos

Edited Thu Oct 24, 24 3:01 PM by Don Wright
6 posts
Tue Oct 22, 24 10:21 AM CST

Fixed - it seems that there was an error related to ZIP filenaming - specifically "generaterandomnumber" - - - updated the code as a bandaid and now I can see my full photo settings. . . . 

Still need a more permanent fix - hoping this will help me REVERT my amazon s3 settings so that all the photos from my no longer existent bucket can be pulled from host instead. 

6 posts
Tue Oct 22, 24 10:26 AM CST
#2 {main} 
thrown in /home/dwdmaster/ on line 215

Still can't see any galleries due to this issue now . . . 

Apparently it's related to "isSuperUser" ?? I know I'm the only admin account . .. 

Edited Tue Oct 22, 24 10:27 AM by Don Wright
6 posts
Tue Oct 22, 24 12:00 PM CST

if(isSuperUser($date)) {
$date['passcode_photos'] = 0;

6 posts
Thu Oct 24, 24 1:25 PM CST

[24-Oct-2024 13:02:06 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function isSuperUser() in /home/dwdmaster/

Stack trace:
#0 /home/dwdmaster/ require()
#1 /home/dwdmaster/ require('/home/dwdmaster...')
#2 {main}
  thrown in /home/dwdmaster/ on line 215
[24-Oct-2024 13:07:06 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function isSuperUser() in /home/dwdmaster/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/dwdmaster/ require()
#1 /home/dwdmaster/ require('/home/dwdmaster...')
#2 {main}
  thrown in /home/dwdmaster/ on line 215
6 posts
Thu Oct 24, 24 3:01 PM CST

FIXED on my end - now to just find out what bit of code I need to change in order to get the photos that USED TO BE on S3, back over to the local host . . . 

no need for support help anymore. It appears to have been related to a failed FTP transfer during the 2 upgrades.

16,923 posts (admin)
Fri Oct 25, 24 4:50 AM CST

You need to upgrade your Sytist to the current version as I told you in the email you sent. You have mismatched version files is why you are having issues because you didn't upgrade properly when I sent you files for an older version. 

Also it is against the terms and conditions to modify the Sytist files.

And because you are not on the current version your support period is expired and why I didn't reply. As it stats when you create a new post. 

How to upgrade.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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