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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common  Issues | Feature Requests

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Since New Update, No Indicator If A Picture Has Been Viewed Or Downloaded

37 posts
Sat Oct 19, 24 2:40 PM CST


 Since the last update, I don't see anymone on the pictures in a gallery the eye or the arrow that indicate if a picture has been viewed or downloaded by the client.

I used to have that on each picture in the Gallery.

How to recover this usefull feature ?

Thank you

16,923 posts (admin)
Mon Oct 21, 24 4:50 AM CST

It is working for me. Tested it on 2 different sites. 

It won't count your views if you are viewing a photo on the customer side and also logged into the admin. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
37 posts
Mon Oct 21, 24 6:56 AM CST

In fact I used to see when the customer view or download  a picture when I logged as admin

The image I put might be confusing, but I took it in an old galery

But on the last galeries, there is no indicator, eve if I know that the customers have viewed the pictures.

From the client pages, on a speciic galery I see that 

But when I browse the galery, I have this on all the pictures 

In the past, I could see under each picture if the picture has been open (view) or download.  

Thank you

Edited Mon Oct 21, 24 8:17 AM by Albert Robert
16,923 posts (admin)
Mon Oct 21, 24 10:16 AM CST

They won't show unless there is something to show. 

It won't show an eye icon when there is zero views.

It won't show the download icon unless there have been downloads.

If it is now working properly, then it is an issue with your host.

You can email me the following for me to look into it: 

1) The link / URL to your Sytist admin (where you log into your Sytist admin).

2) Create me an admin account by clicking Admins in the main menu, or send me your admin username and password.

3) The name of the gallery in question.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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Category: Bug
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