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Custom Option/question On A Particular Gallery

52 posts
Wed Oct 16, 24 6:04 PM CST


Can anyone think of a way to ask a question or include options just on a specific gallery? 

I've got multiple jobs using the same price list, but only a few of them are taking place over 2 days, and I would like to have customers let me know when they register which day they want their photos done. Some are Tues/Wed and some are Thurs/Fri.

But I don't want to ask this on ALL of the galleries using that price list. Just wondering if anyone can think of anything other than creating separate price lists for each.

449 posts
Wed Oct 16, 24 6:18 PM CST

I know you said you dont want to create a separate pricelist, but did you know you can duplicate pricelists with one click?  So your regular Pricelist is now EXACTLY THE SAME but you've called it PRICELIST-CHOOSEDAY and you add in the extra field.  Very handy.

52 posts
Wed Oct 16, 24 6:20 PM CST

Yeah, okay I might just do that ;) :-)

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