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Uploading Subgalleries To Sytist

62 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 11:47 PM CST

I was wondering if anyone has a quick way of doing the following action. 

Normally I would export from LR all photos of children (multiple images per child) into ONE folder on my MAC. 

I would now like to export them from LR to separate folders for each child so I can upload subgalleries into sytist.

The problem is :  To export from LR - I would have to export each child's set of photos at a time (I set up a collection per child).   This is time consuming to have to do this - although I have been told PC users  can sort photos into different folders based on name after exporting from LR into 1 main folder.  Hmmm Not a mac thing though. 

My USUAL method for the last 5 years is to passcode photos in the metadata title whilst in LR and then upload to a gallery in sytist and use the PASSCODE PHOTOS feature .    BUT it is also time consuming to attach a passcode  to the metadata in LR to each child.   
So then the other method is to upload a csv ...... problem with that is you need have a spreadsheet and copy/ paste the passcode to multiple photos (eg some have 10 photos, others 15 and so on).  So I dont particularly like this method either - cause again, time suck and potential for errors.   ( I have had a tech genius develop a script to do this now - which is better BUT still needs work). 

I have explored the option in sytist to generate passcodes... but again this requires spreadsheet fluffing around to attach an email to every photo filename- again time sucking and potential for user error. It would be fine if you have 1 image only per child -  but as I do multi images per child - I would like a better solution and not to have a spreadsheet genius develop a macro script to do so. (The instructions in sytist help articles are very vague and jump over this step unfortunately). It gives a template for how the CSV needs to look - but to actually populate the spreadsheet with data is do-able - but time consuming and again - potential for errors to occur. 

SO ....  for now I am still passcoding in LR metadata as that's what Im used to - but would REALLY like to figure out the best way to upload subgalleries without manually creating a folder for each child either by export in LR or Creating new folders per child once one big class is exported into 1 folder.    Understand my dilemma ? 

IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE :  I also teach other preschool photographers how to use sytist so I am always looking to explore processes and make it EASY and QUICK.     Seems to me that MAC users are at a small disadvantage at times (long time mac user).      

16,923 posts (admin)
Tue Oct 15, 24 5:14 AM CST

I don't really know what you are asking, but you can upload sub folders to create sub galleries via the built-in uploader (check "Upload folders to create sub galleries") and via FTP.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
62 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 5:41 AM CST

Thanks Tim, I am well aware of the process of uploading of sub folders to create subgalleries and how to do that via the different methods eg built in uploader or via FTP. 

My question was to put it out there to the community in specific regard to the steps required before uploading and if anyone has ideas on preparation of files before uploading in sytist. 

1. To do the sub folders uploading - When exporting from LR I would have to create a folder for each child to be able to upload those subfolders to sytist.... where as now I export to one big folder and upload them to galleries and use the passcode photos feature.   

This is where the problem lies as it's time consuming to do this.  I was wondering if anyone using a MAC had a hack to create subfolders for each child in some other software easily and quickly - other than manually creating a folder for each child and dragging into folders OR exporting each child's photos into a folder (as I said above - time consuming). 

2.  I was also enquiring about the population of the csv if using sytists "generate Passwords" option and if anyone had ideas regarding a quick process to put the email addresses against each child's photo files (when there are MULTIPLE photos per child). The ONLY way to do this is to manually copy/paste email addresses from one spreadsheet to a spreadsheet to load to sytist which lists ALL the filenames for each child.
You cant place the email against only 1 filename of a child with multiple photos as only 1 image for that will show in their gallery instead of the others.    As I said above the instructions for this part is skipped  on the sytist article and assumed this is something that you work out yourself in regards to spreadsheet creation. 

In essence those are my questions - but perhaps taking this issue to a private group of sytist users may be of benefit. 

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