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Find My Order Page Requesting Postal Code....

396 posts
Wed Oct 09, 24 11:58 AM CST

Hi Tim. 

Only just noticed that the 'find my order' page at our sytist site is requesting the postal code from the customer.  

For example,

We never ask for postal codes through our system as we don't collect addresses for anybody.  As asked for before, we wish it only asked for full address at step 2 of the checkout process after the customer has chosen home delivery radio button, but that's for a different topic.

Also, nobody collects postal code for digital image only orders, of course.  So how would they search for an order?

Q: So, is it possible to remove the postal code request for the 'find my order' page, and for parents to still be able to search?  I can't seem to find the option.  

Q2: Or even remove the 'find my order' completely?  Perhaps only people with account have the ability to see previous orders, others only have email order receipts?  I probably regard it as a security risk, as email address is public knowledge and order numbers simply increment.

Edited Thu Oct 10, 24 1:11 AM by Trailboy
16,706 posts (admin)
Thu Oct 10, 24 5:13 AM CST

You can remove the link by removing the text for _order_find_another_ in Design -> Page Text. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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