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 Not Showing At Checkout

63 posts
Mon Oct 07, 24 3:54 PM CST

I have some (not all) clients contacting me to say that when they are ordering, they see the items in their cart. When they click 'proceed to checkout' it says 'your cart is empty'

I have replicated this.


Also, 'view cart' can show an item for 18 pounds. But when you arrive at checkout it is 0:00 pounds

Please advise.

Update: It's happening in many of my galleries which have previously worked flawlessly

Update: replicated in Firefox, Chrome and Edge on multiple machines. 

Erratic behaviour - it sometimes works!

Edited Tue Oct 08, 24 4:27 AM by chris rowan
16,923 posts (admin)
Tue Oct 08, 24 4:36 AM CST

You are adding to cart when over www.yoursite but when you go to checkout it is going to yoursite (no www) which makes it lose the session.

This is because In Settings  -> Checkout & Payment you have the SSL link in "Fixed SSL link" without the www.

Delete what you have in "Fixed SSL link" so there is nothing there, keep "Check this box if you have a SSL installed." checked and save.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
63 posts
Tue Oct 08, 24 4:48 AM CST
Tim - wrote:

You are adding to cart when over www.yoursite but when you go to checkout it is going to yoursite (no www) which makes it lose the session.

This is because In Settings  -> Checkout & Payment you have the SSL link in "Fixed SSL link" without the www.

Delete what you have in "Fixed SSL link" so there is nothing there, keep "Check this box if you have a SSL installed." checked and save.

This is already the case (and always has been)

Attached Photos

16,923 posts (admin)
Tue Oct 08, 24 5:05 AM CST

Then for whatever reason then, the PHP value $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] is returning the incorrect value. When you are viewing over www. , it should return that value with www. It is not now.

This isn't a Sytist bug but the behavior on the server has changed. 

You should force https with the www. in the URL per these instructions if you aren't already.

If that doesn't resolve it, you will need to ask your host about forcing the URLs to not include the www. or fixed the issue with $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] not returning the correct value.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
63 posts
Tue Oct 08, 24 5:20 AM CST

Ok, will investigate and report back whatever.

Hostpapa have been thinking it's a memory or resources issue and they have made more available, with no change in behaviour. 

Hopefully this will help sort it

63 posts
Tue Oct 08, 24 10:22 AM CST

Hostpapa disagree, it seems (see attached)

Can't even access the site now (too many redirects)

And no, removing CDN (whatever that is!) didn't resolve

Attached Photos

Edited Tue Oct 08, 24 10:23 AM by chris rowan
16,923 posts (admin)
Tue Oct 08, 24 11:47 AM CST

You will need to go into your HOSTING control panel (cPanel) and use the file manager to edit the .htaccess file in the public_html folder. If you don't see the .htaccess file, click the settings icon and check to show hidden files. 

Delete all the content from the .htaccess file and save: 

That should fix the redirect issue. 

Then ask your host how to properly force https with the www. (https://www.)in the .htaccess file for their hosting. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
63 posts
Tue Oct 08, 24 12:34 PM CST

Delete this?

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16,923 posts (admin)
Wed Oct 09, 24 4:24 AM CST

If that is a .htaccess file. If it is .htaccess-- (with the 2 dashes on the end), that is not it.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
63 posts
Wed Oct 09, 24 5:45 AM CST

Ok, the only other htaccess file I can see has 'syt' at the end of it.

However... Hostpapa turned off the CDN (?) and now the site appears to function properly again, including shopping cart. They have asked me to monitor it.

I know Chatgpt can't be believed on much that it spues out but I found the attached interesting. Don't know if it's accurate but it describes my issues..

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Category: Bug
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