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Why Doesn't Text Formatting Follow Copy/paste?

58 posts
Tue Oct 01, 24 4:31 PM CST


I'm working on creating a blog page, and I wrote a blog entry using Windows Notepad.

Everything is double-spaced when I copy/paste it into a Text Design Element.

I can change to single-spacing by backspacing at the beginning of the first line of double-spaced text, holding down the Shift key, and pressing ENTER.

The issue is the font family changes when I do this. See the attached screenshot.

Why doesn't the formatting follow a copy/paste?



Attached Photos

16,923 posts (admin)
Wed Oct 02, 24 9:06 AM CST

Is the font-family the one from your theme or from what you are copying from? 

I too don't get the right formatting, having to redo the lines, but never had an issue with the font changing. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
58 posts
Wed Oct 02, 24 11:13 AM CST

I'd have to recreate it.

I don't pay attention to the Notepad font.

I copy and paste from Notepad into Sytist, select all, and change the font.

At that point, it's double-spaced.

When I backspace a line into the line above, the font changes.

I'll try and do this later this afternoon.

Thanks, Tim.

16,923 posts (admin)
Wed Oct 02, 24 12:38 PM CST

When you paste, try to paste as plain text. CTRL+SHIFT+V

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
58 posts
Wed Oct 02, 24 12:39 PM CST

Will do

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