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Head Meta / Html - Remove/clear Theme <head>css</head>

100 posts
Mon Sep 30, 24 6:36 PM CST

Is there a way to remove/replace the head/css code in a sytist theme? I saw the message from 2017...just wanted to check to see if I may be missing something. I would like to use a third party template, for basic blog pages, no cart functionality needed. 

I may be over engineering this, but anytime I've tried to go in and fine tune a design, it just turns into spaghetti and I spend most of my time debugging the standard sytist css. 


Edited Tue Oct 01, 24 8:50 PM by Eric
16,923 posts (admin)
Tue Oct 01, 24 9:22 AM CST

I don't know what you mean by the HTML template. There are HTML Layouts in Design -> Page Display & Content Listing Layouts.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
100 posts
Tue Oct 01, 24 8:48 PM CST

Yes, that was confusing, apologies. I've updated the original post to remove the confusion.

Edited Tue Oct 01, 24 9:58 PM by Eric
16,923 posts (admin)
Wed Oct 02, 24 4:01 AM CST

There is not a way to remove the  head and CSS code. The CSS code is created through the theme editor. There is an option to add additional CSS in the themes.

You may want to use something more geared to website design like wordpress for your main site and use Sytist in addition to that.

Moving into a sub folder or changing folder name

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
100 posts
Thu Oct 03, 24 8:25 AM CST

Ok, Thanks for responding so quick! 

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Category: Site Design
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