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Paypal - Delay Notice Issue Error Message - Orders Not Being Created In Sytist

24 posts
Fri Sep 27, 24 7:57 PM CST

My customers have been receiving the following error message when submitting orders via PayPal since 10am this morning. I've used Paypal and Sytist for almost 15 years and never had issue until today at 10amest. I've made no changes to anything at all.

Delay Notice - there appears to be a slight delay receiving payment notifications. Wait a few seconds and click refresh button below.


My PayPal transaction history shows shows error "RETRYING" for every order since 10am. 

At exactly 10am I stopped getting orders created in systist & no new customer accounts showing in sytist & no more email notifications sent to me or the clients from sytist. 

Date/time createdMessage IDStatusTransaction ID
9/27/24, 10:14 AM

9/27/24, 9:59 AM

Thank you!

Edited Fri Sep 27, 24 9:44 PM by beverly wright
415 posts
Fri Sep 27, 24 11:13 PM CST


Can't help specifically with your problem, but what version are you running?  I think you have to have sytist version 5.0 from July 16th for PayPal to work now due to recent changes. See the changelog.

This might help

Also, a recent, perhaps relevant, topic might be :

Edited Fri Sep 27, 24 11:15 PM by Trailboy
16,819 posts (admin)
Sat Sep 28, 24 6:30 AM CST

Did you check #1 from here? You can also look in the IPN history if the notification URL starts with http or https. If it is http, then this is the issue. 

1) You are forcing httpS but have not updated the config file (most likely)
Step #2 from these instructions on forcing httpS must be done or it could create a redirect and make the order not get created.

If so and that is not the problem, you will need to contact PayPal to see what the issue is. 

You can also check with your host to see if a firewall was added that might be blocking the IPN.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
24 posts
Sat Sep 28, 24 7:33 AM CST

i've getting orders the last 2 weeks no issue so will call both PayPal and hosting company...something changed at 10am EST (not with me)

in mean time...i tried doing these steps last night and could not find the .htaccess file -- I am on Sytist 5.1.0... what is the navigation to find the .htaccess file?


1) In your Sytist admin click Settings in the main menu. Then underneath the left menu click edit .htaccess file.

Look for these 3 lines

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^($ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%1/$1 [R=301,L]

16,819 posts (admin)
Sat Sep 28, 24 7:51 AM CST

Step 2, not step 1 .

 Sytist admin by click Settings in the main menu, then underneath the left menu click "edit config file".

2) Next you have to edit the sy-config.php. You can do this in your Sytist admin by click Settings in the main menu, then underneath the left menu click "edit config file".

Change this line:

$setup['url'] = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."";


$setup['url'] = "https://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."";

Notice we are adding a s to http. 

Attached Photos

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
24 posts
Sat Sep 28, 24 8:09 AM CST

adding a single "s" to the config file resolved every issue - thank you!

i was having trouble finding the config file last night b/c it was all the way down in the bottom left of the screen below the pop up Settings menu but the screenshot you sent this morning was hugely helpful. thanks so much.

Edited Sat Sep 28, 24 8:25 AM by beverly wright
6 total messages
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