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Gallery Issue

68 posts
Thu Sep 19, 24 3:17 PM CST

I've set up a gallery with QR codes for the first time and everything is working okay so far, except for one weird issue.  When I click on some of the photos,  it opens larger and then quickly closes down. 

try password:  MAVISCARROW

16,920 posts (admin)
Fri Sep 20, 24 5:24 AM CST

Is it a group photo? And if so, did you leave the passcode blank like the older Passcode Photos? That is the culprit if you did. It does a check to confirm the viewer has access to that photo. 

Here is how group photos are done in QR Passcode Photos. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
68 posts
Fri Sep 20, 24 6:05 AM CST

each kid has 3 individual poses and 1 group.  The group photo is one of the images that closes down, but it also does it for one of the individuals.

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68 posts
Fri Sep 20, 24 6:17 AM CST

So I just went and deleted the group photo and that seemed to fix the issue, even for the one random photo that it was also happening to.  Now I need to figure out how to upload the group photo if I didn't have a qr code photographed.

16,920 posts (admin)
Fri Sep 20, 24 6:39 AM CST

Click the QR Passcodes tab for that gallery.

Create a group code following these instructions. 

Upload your group photo and after it is uploaded, click the thumbnail.

Put the group code in the Passcode field. 

If you don't have the extra data to create the group code, you can email me and I will change the file to not check the access.

And the reason the other photo closes is because the group photo is loading in the background.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
68 posts
Fri Sep 20, 24 7:05 AM CST

Now the class photo isn't showing up at all.

When I upload it, does it matter whether 'check for qr code' is selected or not?

When I click on the thumbnail image and change the passcode to what's listed in the QR passcodes, it changes it to now, instead of having a passcode under the thumbnail, it says 'group photo' teacher: morgan'

16,920 posts (admin)
Fri Sep 20, 24 7:08 AM CST

I'll just remove the access check for the next update on the group photo since this isn't the first time it happened. So you can upload the photo without a passcode and it will be like it was before but not make the window close.

Send me an email so I can reply back with an attached file.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
68 posts
Fri Sep 20, 24 7:11 AM CST

email sent

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