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Customer Bookings Not Showing On My Calendar

58 posts
Wed Sep 18, 24 4:33 AM CST


A couple of weeks ago, I had an extra family that wasn't on our list turn up for a day of mini sessions. We squeezed them in and all was fine. 

When I looked into it, she HAD booked and paid (stripe). I had received a booking confirmation email, but the sitting wasn't showing up on our booking list, and another family had been allowed to book the same time slot.

I put it down to a random glitch, or possibly somehow my error. But today, I've had another customer contact me asking to move their booking to another date, and once again, I've got a booking confirmation, as does the customer, but the session does not appear on my booking list.

I'm just wondering what could be causing this? As it's definitely going to be a problem at some stage! I don't know how many bookings I'm missing :/ 

Any help appreciated!

16,922 posts (admin)
Thu Sep 19, 24 10:29 AM CST

Please email me the names / email addresses of those you are having issues with.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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Category: Calendar
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