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Case Sensitive Url Issue

81 posts
Tue Sep 17, 24 6:58 PM CST

I sent out info for a school pre-order gallery. The link works fine and the QR code works fine.
In the paper poster for the school I also included a typed out version of the url for those who don't use QR codes. I used capital letters to make it easier to read, but now that URL doesn't seem to work and is giving a Page Not Found message.
When I try to update the Sytist url with the same capitals, it tells me that there is already a folder with that name. (Because it's already named that, I assume.) 

Capital letters version:
Working url:

I see an older post asking about this, but the response was that it was a hosting issue for that user. Sytist is my host, so where do I go from here?

16,700 posts (admin)
Thu Sep 19, 24 10:27 AM CST
The Linux system is case sensitive, which is what is used on the server. I'll need to reach out to a tech to see of they can make any changes to make it case insensitive. I'll let you know.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
16,700 posts (admin)
Fri Sep 20, 24 5:19 AM CST

I've created a redirect so will go to

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
81 posts
Fri Sep 20, 24 5:12 PM CST
Tim - wrote:

I've created a redirect so will go to

Thanks, Tim!

How do I do this on my end for other pages?

16,700 posts (admin)
Sun Sep 22, 24 6:32 AM CST

You can't. I would have to. Best to use all lowercase. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
81 posts
Mon Sep 23, 24 7:36 AM CST
Tim - wrote:

You can't. I would have to. Best to use all lowercase. 

Crappy. Thanks for looking into this!

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