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This Works So Well!! Offering Extra Products In Collections

529 posts
Tue Sep 10, 24 5:55 PM CST

Tim, I just want to say thank you for a neat feature I didn't even know existed until this week!

The ability to let customers add extra prints or downloads to a collection or photo package  works great.  I never would have thought to add a product with a zero quantity to a collection but it works so well, it's very easy for customers to see the options and choose what they want. This gives me the option to say, "Did you want to add a download to your order?" before they check out -- perfecct.

It's much easier than using options and more flexible and I can't believe I never found this before.

Thanks so much, love this feature.

Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
449 posts
Mon Sep 23, 24 12:08 AM CST

Kate!  I cant tag you but pushing this up the top for you to read ... also thanks to Michael, who has been a most excellent source of info and help/tips on this forum for me for years now - some of my best ideas have actually been his - thanks Michael! :)

529 posts
Mon Sep 23, 24 11:47 AM CST

Thanks Leanne :)  

I actually posted this in part because I've been wishing Sytist had this feature for a while (a more visual package building tool) and was going to make another feature request.  I always search for similar questions before posting and that link came up -- turns out what I wanted was already built-in!  

(Thanks Tim, this feature makes package building much easier and is definitely worth highlighting to your potential clients!)

Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
449 posts
Sun Oct 13, 24 11:40 PM CST

So I cant get this to work for collections .. wondering if there's an easy way to add digitals to a print pack?

I have multi-images to choose from so I would like my "extra product" to be a buy-all of digital rather than encumbering with choosing more again.  Any ideas?

Currently can do this with a radio button, but this requires monitoring to release digitals .. can do a print credit, but this is a dollar amount, so technically they could buy more prints/deviate instead of the digitals....

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