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Pre-order Gallery And Can't Upload Ordered Digital Image For Delivery

8 posts
Fri Aug 30, 24 3:30 PM CST

I do sports photos using a Pre Order gallery.  I have print products and a digital download product.  Six of the 30 Football orders have ordered a digital download but the yellow bar that says "this order has digital downloads pending - click here to manage photos" is not present on the list of orders.  What did I do wrong?  I would like to avoid opening each order separately to see if they are one of the 6 who ordered a digital download.  I used this method in May for Baseball and softball and at that time I did see the yellow bar that allowed me to add a photo for them to download once I emailed them.  I just can't figure out what I did wrong this time.  Thanks for any help!  Vanessa

113 posts
Fri Aug 30, 24 8:37 PM CST

Hi Vanessa

I do the same, but didn't even know that you could set it up to notify download pending. That's a great feature. How do you do that? I normally don't add the instant downloads to the pricelist until after the photos are loaded, I just load other products like posters and player cards for pre-order.

Keen to figure this one out too.

Thank you.

16,923 posts (admin)
Mon Sep 02, 24 5:34 AM CST

If they pre-ordered downloads and you don't have it set to where they are coming back to select photos for their pre-order, there is not a way to upload the downloads. You would have to email them those photos.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
8 posts
Mon Sep 02, 24 4:00 PM CST

OK thank you for explaining this Tim.

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