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Anyone Running Sytist In A Docker Container?
Have been running Photocart for a number of years now on a hosted VM with a Wordpress installation running on a separate VM. Recently I've migrated the Wordpress to a new host VM running via Docker and want to deploy Sytist to a container on the same VM thus consolidating resources and saving on expenditure. I'm aware of the risks here but happy to accept these given I have monitoring running on a separate service and it's a low impact should there be an outage.
Is anyone running Sytist under Docker and if so any suggestions on how to best do this and things to avoid?
Many thanks
I have 0 experience with that. Maybe someone else has.
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Thanks Tim, I'm working through this right now, building an image and once I've got all dependencies identified and installed I'll post details for future reference!
Ok, got it running in a Docker container (after migrating my database from test server to staging and setting up an external volume with images). This is the dockerfile I used to build the image:
## DockerFile for sylist image
FROM php:8.2-apache
RUN apt update && apt install -y libzip-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libfreetype-dev libfreetype6-dev
RUN docker-php-ext-install mysqli
RUN docker-php-ext-install zip
RUN docker-php-ext-install exif
RUN docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-jpeg
RUN docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) gd
# Expose ports
# Set the Apache document root
# Enable Apache modules
RUN a2enmod rewrite setenvif
RUN a2enmod headers
RUN a2dissite *
RUN a2disconf other-vhosts-access-log
RUN service apache2 restart
...and this is my docker-compose.yaml:
version: '3.9'
image: php-sytist:latest
container_name: sytist
- 8801:80
restart: unless-stopped
- TZ=Europe/London
- /docker/sytist/html:/var/www/html/
NB: That's not my complete docker compose, I've a bunch of other stuff related to the stage stack including the maria-db container and Wordpress.
I updated the variables in sy-config.php to reference the environment variables defined in the compose file and that was it. This is then frontended with Nginx Proxy Manager as only 443 is exposed on the actual server (plus I can control who can access the admin interface in NPM using a custom nginx config).
If anyone has any questions feel free to ask, however I am not a Docker expert :-)
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