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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Photo Of Product
We offer collections to HS seniors. After they pick a selection, they have the ability to select other sizes (or products) of that image, or other images.
We'd like to place an image of the other products - like composites, say - along with each product. Is there a way to do that? We seem to be hitting a wall.
There is not away to put a image they select on a product I.E. Coffee cup ETC.
Not on the product.
Of the product.
We have images uploaded. They don't show up in the additional items section of a collection. That is the problem we are trying to solve.
That is only available in the actual product base, not in collections. Might be something tim overlooked.
work around would be, "select this collection first" then unlocks your product menu. There you could do that with the image of a product. Instead of having it in a collection if you really need to have an image.
I think we're actually doing that - the images don't show.
It looks like I missed the preview graphics for products when I revamped the way to manage collections. They aren't going to show there at this time.
I've have made a note to add it in the next upgrade.
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