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Current Version: 5.2.4 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Logo Still On Downloads
I have had a few clients contact me in the past few days letting me know that after they buy the download images that there is still a watermark on them.
I am using 5.02.
Photo Products -> Product Base and remove any watermarking options are all unchecked.
I do not know where else to look to make sure it is turned off? Plus I did not know if it was a cashe problem
Either the product being purchased has watermark or logo enabled or you uploaded the photos with the watermark already on it.
What is the order number of one that they claim they downloaded it and it had a watermark?
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the Last one was 10482
They are not downloading with a logo (and doesn't look like they actually completed a download). They are probably just seeing the watermark thumbnails on their order.
You can view their order in the admin and click the "View customer order on website" link to view their orders as they would and download there to see what is downloaded.
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Thank you.
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