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Font Macrons

41 posts
Thu Jul 25, 24 11:04 PM CST

Hi There

We use font macrons in NZ,  e.g. my town name is Kaikōura, but they do not load on my site, I end up with a ? which is problematic when naming in the proof gallery.

I use Roboto and Montserrat which both support macrons.


16,564 posts (admin)
Fri Jul 26, 24 9:49 AM CST

It is most likely not the fonts, but the collation of the database not accepting those characters. You probably installed a long while back before it set it to UTF-8.

I'll email a file that will change that and accept those characters. Won't fix any existing ones though.

Edited Mon Jul 29, 24 4:25 AM by Tim -
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
41 posts
Fri Jul 26, 24 6:31 PM CST

Thanks Tim.


106 posts
Sun Jul 28, 24 12:50 PM CST

Hi Tim

I would really appreciate that file too please (also in NZ) -

Thank you.

16,564 posts (admin)
Mon Jul 29, 24 4:25 AM CST
Brooke Woollett wrote:

Hi Tim

I would really appreciate that file too please (also in NZ) -

Thank you.


Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
27 posts
Mon Jul 29, 24 7:54 AM CST

Hi Tim,

I would also appreciate the file. Thank you.

Geoff Shearer -

16,564 posts (admin)
Mon Jul 29, 24 11:04 AM CST

Download this zip file

Unzip it and there is a collate.php file included. 

This will change the database tables to utf8_general_ci which is needed for the accented and special characters.  

Upload this file into the main folder Sytist is installed (where you see the sy- files and folders).

Then view that file in your browser like or

After that, delete the file.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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