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Current Version: 5.1.1 | Sytist Manual | Common  Issues | Feature Requests

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Site Down

1 posts
Mon Jul 22, 24 9:32 AM CST

Is there a limit to the total number of images the site can handle?
We need to upload around 600,000 images for a job we just did.
We were 3/4 of the way done and the site went down.
We have been keeping the images sizes around 30 to 40 KB
Please help us get the site back online. :-(
We have checked with the web host server and all is good on that end.

396 posts
Mon Jul 22, 24 9:48 AM CST

I believe up to five images are created for every image uploaded to your sytist hosting. 

That's 3 million files, or thereabouts. My inode limit is 250,000 files.

I suspect you have gone over your hostings inode limit, which is a hard limit on the number of files that can be held at any one time.  Contact them to find out.

For the future, investigate hosting images on AWS S3 servers if you have that amount of images to upload. 

Edited Mon Jul 22, 24 9:49 AM by Trailboy
8 posts
Mon Jul 22, 24 10:00 AM CST

All is good with our web hosting.
We have already spoken with them. We have more than enough space with them.
I think we need to upgrade our Sytist, but since we can't login to Sytist we can't upgrade.
We are dead in the water so to speak until we can get Sytist working again.

396 posts
Mon Jul 22, 24 10:02 AM CST

Sorry, Tim will have to advise then.

16,690 posts (admin)
Mon Jul 22, 24 11:32 AM CST

See: Sytist Manual > Common Issues -> Can't Log Into Admin - Page Refreshes, No Error Message

You are out of space or have reached a file limit.

And yes you do need to upgrade as your support period is expired as well. How to upgrade
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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