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Email Provider(spam)

347 posts
Wed Jul 17, 24 4:43 PM CST

Who is everyone using as their email provider for their Sytist system? I have officially given up dealing with Microsoft/GoDaddy. This has been the worst experience in my life. 9/10 of my emails don't go through. I can resend them 100 times and maybe 1 goes through. I have to whitelist all these IP Addresses and jump through hoops and everyone just points fingers at the other person and no one can help.

I'm switching providers and just want my emails to go through.....

Edited Thu Jul 18, 24 10:38 AM by Sean Scarmack
347 posts
Wed Jul 17, 24 4:53 PM CST

1 out of the last 15 have made it through....And some of them are even to ME! lol

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16,690 posts (admin)
Thu Jul 18, 24 10:05 AM CST

Your only option is to change hosts. A solution would be to use the SMTP PHPMailer option, but you can't with Godaddy for whatever reason.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
449 posts
Mon Jul 29, 24 7:17 PM CST

Hey Sean!

Not sure if it's helpful, but I don't email via Sytist .. i'll export from Sytist a group ( say buyers, or registrations ) to a spreadsheet then use a traced email programme with proforma spiels/pitches/updates and mass send, populating with personalised data from the spreadsheet.

If someone ( im looking at you hotmail users ) is not getting my emails, i'll send a traced SMS.

It allows me to have everything in one spot and visual at a glance.
Also handy to pull up the following year etc etc.

347 posts
Tue Jul 30, 24 8:25 AM CST

Yeah I do something similar now, just defeats the whole purpose of having a site/product that is suppose to do it for you.

And no one can just say, oh just use Company X and Company Y and you won't have ANY issues whatsoever. It seems more people have issues than doesn't when it comes to emails.

And that's not knocking Sytist or Tim. I've been on this platform for oh idk, 10-12 years? I absolutely love it. Just wish my emails would work haha

2 posts
Thu Aug 01, 24 5:59 PM CST

Check out
They provide very nice resources for visibility into email delivery. Their lowest tier should more than cover what most people would need. I just wish Sytist had the capabilities to have two different email accounts for transactional emails vs broadcast emails. Receipts and gallery notifications MUST get through, but the random semi spammy bulk emailing type stuff doesn't HAVE to get through.  

347 posts
Fri Aug 02, 24 4:54 PM CST
Chris Fournier wrote:

Check out
They provide very nice resources for visibility into email delivery. Their lowest tier should more than cover what most people would need. I just wish Sytist had the capabilities to have two different email accounts for transactional emails vs broadcast emails. Receipts and gallery notifications MUST get through, but the random semi spammy bulk emailing type stuff doesn't HAVE to get through.  

That's actually a great suggestion! I never thought about that.

Will check out the link!

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Category: Emails
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