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Google Translate

247 posts
Tue Jul 16, 24 1:19 PM CST

I was trying to evaluate how Google translate performs, as I shoot international events and for this season I had to use another platform that allows the multi language option, having so a double cost.
Everything looked ok, but when I go to password protected page I get a pop up warning : "This module cannot be supported, To protect your safety while using Google Translate, do not submit information in this type of form."
So I just wandering if anyone knows why this happens and if there is a turnaround for it, because when I insert the password I can see the photos in the protected page, but in the original language, that in my case is Italian.
I just wandering if with the QR code ( I haven't upgraded so far) and the password within the QR code this may help.
Any idea ?
Thanks in advance

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Edited Tue Jul 16, 24 1:20 PM by Marco Cappalunga
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