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Customer(s) Getting 30 Reminder Emails

301 posts
Mon Jul 15, 24 11:47 AM CST

Hey Tim, 

Today I had 2 customers reach out and tell me that they are receiving about 30 emails when reminder emails are sent out.   Many times customers report getting 2 emails but 30 is making people pretty frustrated.   Both people that reached out were gmail accounts(not sure if that matters).      When I look up the customers account in sytist, it does say the same reminder email was sent 6 times to one customer and 11 to the other customer.  These are customers that are have purchased or viewed the gallery.  We did not enter any of these emails in manually.   We do expire many 10-15 galleries on a given day to drive sales.  Would you have any ideas what may be causing this?    We only have 1 email cron job set up.

Thank you.  

Edited Mon Jul 15, 24 11:50 AM by Joey Freeman
16,690 posts (admin)
Mon Jul 15, 24 12:00 PM CST

Probably some sort of server issue. There is an update coming out tomorrow that will check to see if an email address is already in the pending automated emails  and if so not add it. 

But your issue could be when it is actually sending it, not putting in the queue. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
16,690 posts (admin)
Mon Jul 15, 24 12:40 PM CST

Coming in tomorrows upgrade

  • Added an extra check if an email address is already pending in gallery notices and Automated Emails and not add a duplicate. 
  • Added a check in automated emails to see if an automated email has been sent to an email address (other than the admin email address) within the last 8 hours and if so it will not send the email and delete it from the queue to help prevent multiple emails going out due to network or server issues. 
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
301 posts
Tue Jul 16, 24 9:03 AM CST

Thank you Tim

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Category: Emails
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