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Free Downloads

15 posts
Sun Jul 14, 24 10:58 PM CST

Hi there, 

Is is possible to do this step [copied text from help article below] but limit the number of free downloads they get?  It seems when I add "One digital download file" as a product to a specific email address, every photo gets a 'download' icon and can be freely downloaded - I want the client to be able to download 10 images from the gallery but no more.

Instructions I am following:  

Assign a Customer or Customers To Download For Free On A Per Gallery Basis

  • View the gallery in the admin and click the Photos tab for the gallery.
  • Click the Free Downloads button.
  • There you can select the customer and the free download product.
  • If you only want them to download from a specific sub gallery, view the sub gallery first, then click the Free Downloads button.



16,564 posts (admin)
Mon Jul 15, 24 11:28 AM CST

It is not possible to limit it to 10 downloads doing that way.

You can use the Download Credits and give them credits for 10 downloads.

Or use a Print Credit that includes 10 downloads. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
15 posts
Tue Jul 16, 24 4:59 AM CST

Update:  I just tested my method below (Wes is my husband haha).  He downloaded 2 images yesterday using a different method.  When he went to download 8 more today after I'd set it up using the method below, it said "10 included images: you have reached the maximum free downloads from this gallery".

Is assigning the 10 free downloads product to him somehow still looking at how many have been downloaded total across all accounts that are accessing it?  I've downloaded a bunch through a different account that I set up for my own email address.  

Thanks Tim!  

I'd done a bit more playing around... it seems if I create a product for free downloads limited to 10 (see screenshot), I can then use this method to add this product to the client as a free download option... (see second screenshot).  

Will this work?!  Have I missed anything?  



Edited Tue Jul 16, 24 5:14 AM by Lianna Nielsen
16,564 posts (admin)
Tue Jul 16, 24 10:56 AM CST

I don't know if that will work when assigning someone to free downloads like you are wanting to. You will have to test it out to find out. That option is when the free download is part of a price list.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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Category: Photos
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