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Matching More Groups Than There Are Individual Photos

76 posts
Thu Jul 11, 24 9:01 PM CST

I am aware that when uploading a .csv with group photos we can designate common group photos using the following headers.


We usually supply 3 individual photos for each student, however I take more Group photos as we do a formal class shot, then let them do several freestyle photos which prove to be very popular with our parents. The way the system is currently is that I must match one group photo to each individual photo, so I am limited to 3. 

This would usually be the formal photo and 2 of the freestyle shots.

The problem is that there is little control over blinking, or blocking o f people in the freestyle photos. I usually take 4-5 and there is never going to be 2 "perfect" ones, so a parent will always ask why their child was obscured, or blinking. Is there any possible way to have more group photos? 

I am eyeing up the Extra 1-3 fields, with the possibility of going up to Extra 4 & 5 however I don't think this will work at all.

Is there a solution for this?

Thank you

490 posts
Thu Jul 11, 24 9:29 PM CST

Hi GC, does this method work for when each child is sub-foldered?
I simply cannot get multiple group photos to work unless I duplicate them for every folder?

76 posts
Thu Jul 11, 24 10:03 PM CST
Leanne wrote:

Hi GC, does this method work for when each child is sub-foldered?
I simply cannot get multiple group photos to work unless I duplicate them for every folder?

We do not sub-folder. There may be 5000+ photos in one directory, with 3 photos per child, and 3 group photos. After uploading the CSV all of the individual photos have a code under them whilst the group photos do not.

Sorry I could not be more helpful

490 posts
Thu Jul 11, 24 10:27 PM CST

That's ok, just hoping for my own workaround - I have a similar thread open - ( each of my kids has around 60 images so subfoldering makes sense ).. thanks for weighing in :)

76 posts
Tue Aug 27, 24 10:42 AM CST
GC wrote:

I am aware that when uploading a .csv with group photos we can designate common group photos using the following headers.


We usually supply 3 individual photos for each student, however I take more Group photos as we do a formal class shot, then let them do several freestyle photos which prove to be very popular with our parents. The way the system is currently is that I must match one group photo to each individual photo, so I am limited to 3. 

This would usually be the formal photo and 2 of the freestyle shots.

The problem is that there is little control over blinking, or blocking o f people in the freestyle photos. I usually take 4-5 and there is never going to be 2 "perfect" ones, so a parent will always ask why their child was obscured, or blinking. Is there any possible way to have more group photos? 

I am eyeing up the Extra 1-3 fields, with the possibility of going up to Extra 4 & 5 however I don't think this will work at all.

Is there a solution for this?

Thank you

Just wanted to bump this as I didn't get any replies to help me in this. Would liek to know if possible as doing another school in which we have 3 individual photos for each student and I need to attach 5 group photos to it.

Thank you

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