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Field To Enter Who Will Collect Photos If They Are Not The Purchaser

74 posts
Thu Jul 11, 24 8:51 PM CST

I shoot schools and our largest client just changed the way they would like parents to collect orders. 

Originally there was one office all parents would collect from so giving the order number was the simple and fuss free solution.

HOWEVER: they have decided they now want the orders for all high school children to be given to the class teacher so they can distribute. This has already been shown to be very problematic due but this school is doubling down on this.

Here is the problem. The orders have the Parents name in the account, payment and home address fields. Some parents only order the class group photo and not the student, so the teachers do not know who to pass the photos to, as parents surnames do not always match the students surname...I am in Asia, this happens.

Is there a way to have a COMPULSORY field where they need to enter their childs class and name on every order?

I have told the school I will see if this can be done but I do not think this is possible.

Please advise.

Thank you

392 posts
Fri Jul 12, 24 1:12 AM CST

We have it as a compulsory field when adding to basket.

Attached Photos

74 posts
Fri Jul 12, 24 6:55 AM CST
Trailboy wrote:

We have it as a compulsory field when adding to basket.

Fantastic. This is exactly what I am looking for. I am having a poke around in "Settings" as well as the actual gallery page to find out where to set this. Do you remember?

392 posts
Fri Jul 12, 24 7:36 AM CST

This is applicable to the specific product being sold (.e.g class photo):

Photo Products >> product base >> Cog wheel of the relevant product >> create new option >> and have it as an option for this product (see image).


You could also have it as a single option at the checkout of the relevant price list (if it needs to cover the whole basket):

Photo products >> Price Lists >> relevant price list >> Additional Order Fields / Options >> Field 1: Create option...


For both, make it a required option (they have to fill it in) if you have to have the information to be able to deliver to the correct person.  We use transparent bags for normal portraits, but the child's name is essential for class or any group photo.  

Attached Photos

74 posts
Fri Jul 12, 24 8:10 AM CST

Thank you. That is a great usage of this feature :-)

16,564 posts (admin)
Fri Jul 12, 24 9:17 AM CST

You can also add additional fields at checkout in your price lists to collect that information at checkout. Click " Additional Order Fields / Options  " for the price list in Settings -> Photo Products -> Price Lists. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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