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How To Change Credit Card Logo With Paypal Websites Payments Pro?

71 posts
Mon Jun 24, 24 3:01 AM CST

Hi, we are wanting to remove AMEX & Discover credit card options from payment page. After deleting the old logo from Sitedesign>Miscellaneous Images & Files and adding a new MasterCard & Visa only one, we are unable to get the new logo to show. Any tips on a fix?

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16,564 posts (admin)
Mon Jun 24, 24 10:49 AM CST

The /sy-misc/creditcards/visamcdiscoveramex.jpg file is hardcoded in for PayPal Pro. The one you are trying to change in the settings is when there are multiple different payment options available. 

You will need to reupload the one you deleted back into the creditcards folder.

You can download that file from the demo here.

There is not a way to change that graphic for PayPal pro. And actually PayPal pro has been removed unless it was already active like in your case. PayPal Checkout / Advanced Checkout is the one to use now.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
71 posts
Mon Jun 24, 24 10:33 PM CST

Ok, thanks for the answers Tim.

71 posts
Mon Jun 24, 24 10:59 PM CST

I downloaded the logo file supplied, edited out the cards we don't support and overwrite the file on the server without changing the filename. Got what we need now. Will this file stay this way when we apply future Sytist updates or revert back?

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16,564 posts (admin)
Tue Jun 25, 24 3:06 AM CST

Good idea. It will stay like that.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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Category: Payment Options
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