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Paypal Transaction Complete But No Order Generated

9 posts
Thu Jun 13, 24 10:44 AM CST

Just spoke with a client that placed an order yesterday 6/13/24 at 7:25AM PDT. The payment posted to our Paypal account but no order was ever generated. Does this order exsist somewhere that it can be forwarded to us? How can we prevent this from re-occuring?

9 posts
Thu Jun 13, 24 11:26 AM CST

Update: Tried to upgrade to currrent version. Seemed to be successful (credit card processed etc)  but noticed 4.3.4 next to the logo on the upper right. Clicked link on home page to try and upgrade to 4.9.4 but the 4.3.4 persists and now our web gallery cannot be accessed. We get  this message:

MYSQL ERROR: Table 'sig_sytist.ms_language_2' doesn't exist

Query: SELECT * FROM ms_language_2

16,564 posts (admin)
Thu Jun 13, 24 11:46 AM CST

If I am looking at the right site, your site is running PHP 5.4.45 which is a really old version of PHP.

Sytist 4.1 became compatible with PHP 8 and no longer compatible with PHP 5. Surprised it worked with Sytist 4.3.

You need to have the PHP updated to 7.4 then try the upgrade again.

The PHP version  could be the reason for the PayPal payment and no order. You can view their cart in the admin and create the order from there (in the current version).

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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