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Qr Code Share

180 posts
Mon Jun 10, 24 8:06 AM CST

Hello Tim,
Is it normal when I using the Share QR code for a gallery, I have always the field to enter the password.
Doesn't open the page automatically.

Attached Photos

16,564 posts (admin)
Mon Jun 10, 24 10:00 AM CST

Looks like it is not saving the password session. I'll email you a file.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
148 posts
Wed Jun 12, 24 3:55 AM CST

I have the same problem

16,564 posts (admin)
Wed Jun 12, 24 4:19 AM CST

Download this zip file.

Upload the included find_gallery.php file into the sy-inc folder on your website overwriting the existing one either with your FTP program or the file manager in your hosting control panel.

This will fix it.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
148 posts
Wed Jun 12, 24 4:50 AM CST

Excellent thanks Tim It works now

10 posts
Fri Jun 14, 24 5:16 AM CST

I was experiencing the same issue, downloaded the zip file and copied into place. The QR code shown on screen works but when I click on the download button, the file that is generated is zero bytes in size.


148 posts
Fri Jun 14, 24 6:04 AM CST

I had the same issue Simon. I tried a few times and it did work fine in the end. 

10 posts
Fri Jun 14, 24 6:11 AM CST
Philippe Penel wrote:

I had the same issue Simon. I tried a few times and it did work fine in the end. 

That's persistence for you! I cheated and dragged and dropped the image. :)

8 total messages
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