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Alma Linux 8
Currently running Sytist under a Centos operating system. Any problems running under Alma Linux version 8?
I have no idea. I imagine if it has all the requirements (PHP, MySQLi, etc...)it should be ok.
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Yeah, operating system (CentOS 7) is reaching its end of life on June 30 2024. We are currently in same boat, looking at migrating to a new server. We have been offered Operating Systems and Control Panels: cPanel on AlmaLinux 9 with CloudLinux 9 with Softaculous.
Unfortunately, this has not gone smoothly for us.
After the upgrade to Alma Linux 8 and PHP 8.1 we were unable to create new galleries or upload new photos. Tim says it sounds like a permission issue and I agree.
But if it did say you needed to change folder permissions then the following folders would need 777 permissions:
I currently have the good folks at looking into it and I'll update this. Sytist and PhotoCart before it have run flawlessly under Centos and PHP 5-7 for many years. I wouldn't have touched it except we had reached End of Life on Cpanel and PHP and we were being encouraged to upgrade.
I've replied to your emails on this.
I also sent Larry a reply email that will fix the "Also, when trying to create a new gallery I get the following on the ensuing page:" error.
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Update: Apparently some of the Easy Apache mods that were being used under Centos did not make the transition to the new OS. php81-php-exif was not installed. After installing it, we are now able to upload again. I suppose the server was rejecting the photos because they contained EXIF data?
Tim, I appreciate your quick responses on this.
The error caused by the exif would stop the upload process. Looks like the permission issue is resolved also.
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We are migrating in the next few days to a new server running cPanel on AlmaLinux 9 with CloudLinux 9 with Softaculous. We are the same as Kip, in that we are moving from CentOS 7. If there are any tips or settings we could pass on to our supplier to make the process go smoothly that would be great to know.
Peter, in addition to the php81-php-exif module not being installed under Alma Linux, two other modules didn't make the transition: mod_suphp and mod_suexec. These are found in WHM-> Easy Apache ->Apache Modules. Installing these two fixed the error we were seeing when creating a new gallery.
Everything is running great for us now. Good luck!
Cool, thanks for the tip Kip.

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