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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Uploading Photos To Sub-galleries - How To Keep Them In File Name Order
Is there a way to avoid having to manually rearrange the order of photos in galleries? I upload using folders but then have to go into each sub-gallery to reorder them so multiple photos of the same competitor are together in numerical file order instead of the random order it throws them in?
Settings -> Photo Settings -> Arrange Order of Photos & Sub Galleries After Upload By Name Ascending
When uploading folders of photos to create sub galleries there is a bug in Apple products where the folders and photos are not selected and uploaded in the correct order. Checking this option it will go through a process to set the order of the photos and sub galleries once the upload is complete.
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I do check the option to use folders to create sub-galleries but the photos still come through in random order so it's definitely not saving me any steps since I have to open each sub-gallery to reorder the photos anyway. I was just hoping with updates this had gotten fixed along the line.
Did you check the option " Arrange Order of Photos & Sub Galleries After Upload By Name Ascending" in Settings -> Photo Settings? That is what that is for.
There is also a Resort Upload tab for galleries with sub galleries.
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ooh, thank you, Tim -
I didn't know that option existed. I've been doing it manually each time which seemed tedious when everything else works like magic - thank you!!!

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