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Session Fee

51 posts
Thu May 30, 24 6:07 PM CST

I have a question, I have found a few answers for downloads but not for physical prints.


I did a session today and they wanted to pay to session fee online when they ordered prints.  How do I go about doing this. I do not know how to set this up in the photo products in admin or if this can even be done. I know it can be done on the booking side but how would they be able to pay for the photos at the same time?  They are only wanting to use there CC one time not multi times.


Session fee is $250 


8x10's  $45

5x7's are $30

Then you have metal prints  etc...

I do not know what sizes they are wanting so I can not add the price to the photos per say.

449 posts
Fri May 31, 24 2:19 AM CST

Have a product called "Session Fee" ,, make it available to purchase in the gallery.. put it in a "client must first choose from this section before being able to choose from others"

OR .. have your gallery password protected with monetary value to open it.
They pay $250, the gallery opens, and there are the prints and such to purchase ( note, I dont use this, so not sure if that is a 2-purchase thing or not )... the first idea will definitely work for you though.

51 posts
Fri May 31, 24 8:28 AM CST

Thank you Leanne

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