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Current Version: 5.2.4 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Sytist Loading Very Slow
Yesterday we started noticing that Systist was running very slow and that continues today. We're in Canada and we now have US customers saying they're having the same issue. Is there a problem?
I just checked and seems to be running fine for me. But you are like 5 upgrades behind. You should apply the pending upgrade on your Sytist admin homepage. You won't lose any data and could also speed things up.
My Email Address:
Thank you...I will do soon.
I've also noticed this today - on desktop and mobile on (eg wifi and data). The "next" button for photos is taking ages to work. Not sure what is causing this. The first 2-3 photos operate fine, but then it seems to hang. Maybe a cacheing or loading problem? But not sure why its the same on both mobile and wifi if it is a speed issue on the user's end. My images are small - around 500kb.
Edit: Tim, you also recently sent us 2 files to upload to fix an issue with coupons. I did try restoring the old files as well incase that was causing the issue and unless I needed to purge something before change would take effect, this is not the issue.
If you are having performance issues and on the current version of Sytist, you need to contact your hosting support because the slowness is coming from the server.
Those files I sent you would have no affect on the speed of your site.
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I am also having issues with speed. I run my own server. I cannot say for sure what is wrong yet, but I think there may be a problem / bug in the mysql routines to schedule "special event" days. Again, I am not sure that this is a Sytist problem. I'm working on replicating it consistently. If I am able to do so I will report it to Tim. I am posting here just in case anyone else is having speed issues when scheduling a "special event" appointment.
Thanks Geoffrey for the added info. Re: our own problem, as an update to the thread in general, I talked to our hosts support yesterday and they said everything should be fine and running up to speed after running tests.
I've asked several friends to look at our galleries to see if its a user issue, connection issue etc. About half say nothing is wrong, the other half experience the same problem that I myself experience on two different devices - desktop (wifi) and mobile (fast data).
I'm a bit at a loss here, since the issue when it happens makes the cart unusable. But I can't see rhyme or reason why it's happening. Going to escalate it to our web guy, I guess, but obviously that ends up being expensive. Frustrating to be a in the position where we're told "its the host problem" from one end and "host is fine" from the other end.
We use Sytist strictly for ordering galleries, so that's where our issue lays (nothing to do with special events).
I am on the most recent version of Sytist.
Usually any slowness is coming from the database.
If there is a specific thing being slow, you can show me where.
Some thing you can do that may help speed things up.
- 1) Stats -> Site Visitors -> Overview and click the Compile Older Stats button. This will greatly reduce the size of the stats tables.
- 2) Go to Stats -> Shopping Carts. Delete older abandoned shopping carts.
- 3) Go to Settings -> Backup Database and do the optimize database.
You can also compare it to the speed of the demo.
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Thank you. I have done all the usual database optimize and also repaired the tables. Again, I am not sure this is a Sytist thing, but the specific issue is that a query does not complete. Instead, it hangs with a status of "sending data", which a query should not do. When this happens (specifically when someone is trying to schedule an appointment), everything locks up for that customer. The only way for me to stop that query is to manually kill it. The trouble is I cannot replicate it. Sometimes the query hangs, and sometimes it doesn't. No obvious pattern yet.
My "special event" scheduling has multiple days - sometimes as many as 30 at a time. It seems to happen when someone keeps clicking on days to check the times - going back and forth between multiple available days is when I could see it happen. Still thinking about this one.
Most likely that is an issue with Time Blocks. In Calendar -> Booking Settings, or if you are using custom available times in your booking service (probably with a Special Event), the time block needs to match the ending time.
Example, if you have 30 minute time blocks, then the end time must end with either :00 or :30 (5:00 or 5:30). If your time blocks are 15 minutes, the end time needs to end with either :00,:15,:30, :45 (5:00, 5:15, 5:30, 5:45).
If they don't, it can cause an infinite loop and just seem to "hang" and timeout making it unresponsive.
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Thanks Tim - I am sure that this was the problem for me. Earlier today I found a day with a typo in the times - I had a scheduling block for 1 hour and 11 minutes instead of 1 hour. I fixed that but never thought that might have been the root cause.
But now that I think about it, since I made that change, I have not been able to replicate the problem. I will go through and check all my times carefully.
Fantastic! thanks again!
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