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Changing Background Seems To Lock Up

46 posts
Sat May 18, 24 10:00 AM CST

I"ve seen this happen several times on iPhones working with customers and just popped up on my end (I'm on a Mac with Chrome). When parents go to choose from the background options, the screen greys out...but there is no way to make it go away other that browse back and choose again. Seems random but finally got a screen shot. Just tried again and it worked fine...but I know I've seen it happen many times but seems random.

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16,564 posts (admin)
Mon May 20, 24 3:38 AM CST

Can you give me the exact steps to replicate that? I can't.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
46 posts
Mon May 20, 24 8:12 AM CST

Nothing happens on mobile phones and web browser...I just click on the backgrounds, choose a background...and it stays like that and you can't do anything. I've been at an event showing people how to choose their background and did it several times on androids and iphones. Unless its something about the backgrounds but that doesn't seem to be it. It's just random. I've noticed more and orders coming in that doesn't change the default background (which says change this background by choosing below) I know it's not just me :) I can let you login if you need.

16,564 posts (admin)
Mon May 20, 24 10:37 AM CST

Any background file names with special characters or characters other that letters and numbers? Like " ' $ 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
46 posts
Mon May 20, 24 11:14 AM CST

Nope just a hyphen ie lacrosse-1.jpg

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16,564 posts (admin)
Mon May 20, 24 11:27 AM CST

Is it happening like on the first visit to the gallery where the instructions should pop up? 

Like here.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
46 posts
Mon May 20, 24 12:50 PM CST

I think it's happened then and afterwards. I was just checking on things at work and was seeing how I liked the new backgrounds and had already seen that notice...and the blackout still happened. I'll try in a guest browser in Chrome and see what happens.

....just tried as a guest and of course it didn't happen. Just seems random. If you want I can email you some of the client pages with passwords to try out.

16,564 posts (admin)
Tue May 21, 24 4:04 AM CST

Yes, email me some galleries with passwords if needed.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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