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Multiple Carts Showing Up And Multiple Emails Going Out1

46 posts
Sat May 18, 24 9:41 AM CST

Did a search and not seeing anything similar that I could find....I have the feature turned on that parents must enter in e-mail to view the soccer photos (800 kids so lots of parents).

Had an email this morning of a mom asking why she's getting so many abandoned cart emails when she has an order placed? I checked and she has a completed order, but still had 2 carts (and I'm seeing multiple other carts with different amounts). Im going to start manually deleting some, but is this a bug? Attached screen shots.

Attached Photos

16,564 posts (admin)
Mon May 20, 24 3:36 AM CST

Looks like the customer added to cart from different locations with different IP addresses and probably different browsers or clearing cookies / cache between visits so they are in the system multiple times.  And also some logged in and another not.

It checks for duplicates but not across being logged in and not logged in. I will make a note to look into that situation. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
46 posts
Mon May 20, 24 8:14 AM CST

I just assumed that was it...but my thinking it wouldn't have a separate cart if it already found a matching email (this is of course a non-programmer talking!)? I don't see it much but it has happened a few times and thought I would ask. Thanks!

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