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Email With Qr Code Gallery

11 posts
Mon May 13, 24 4:09 PM CST

I have tried to follow the instructions in the manual about email issues with galleries.  I have a handful of families that received the emails with the QR codes but 90% seem to not have received the emails.  Any help or advice would be appreciated.  I do not want to have to send out individual emails all night.  

16,690 posts (admin)
Tue May 14, 24 4:51 AM CST

Did you set up the SMTP PHPMailer as shown on this page?

Use SMTP PHPMailer If You Are Still Having Issues

In Settings -> Mail Sending Settings there is an option for the standard mail() function which is the default option.

There is also a PHPMailer option which uses the actual mail servers to send the emails and has a better chance of getting into inboxes. 

Instructions here for setting up PHPMailer.

Edited Tue May 14, 24 4:51 AM by Tim -
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
24 posts
Tue May 14, 24 4:35 PM CST

It seems like it really depends on your ISP (or email provider).  My ISP had  old email server/software, and all that I had was problems with emails from my Sytist software...He recently upgraded server and software and all is good.  Everything goes where it should, almost immediately.

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Category: Emails
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