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Customer Combining Order From 2 Different Subgalleries W/ 2 Different Passcodes

441 posts
Tue May 07, 24 11:15 PM CST

Hi TIm.

Someone just placed an instant download order when they should not have been able to?

Each child was in one master gallery, with separate subgalleries and separate passcodes.

They ordered one single package and popped both children in the one order.
The package they ordered was ticked with ""


441 posts
Tue May 07, 24 11:38 PM CST

This is the format they were under.  It has never been a problem before?

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441 posts
Wed May 08, 24 4:57 PM CST

Ok, I have tried to replicate this today using two kids from the same master gallery above with the same structure.

If I add say 5 pics from 1 kid, then jump out of that code and into the next kids, I do indeed get the big red box to say no ( also with some random letters at the end? - [ CGPL4 ] )

So I deleted that order from my cart and instead favourited 5 of one kid from one gallery, and 5 from the other kid's gallery.  Then I went into my favourites and picked a package to buy, and that was fabulous for the parent as all my images populated the cart with one click!

Except it was of 2 kids combined into one order :/

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441 posts
Tue May 14, 24 4:53 PM CST

Hi Tim - just giving this a bump and hoping for a fix please :)

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441 posts
Fri May 24, 24 7:05 PM CST

Thank you for fixing this issue in the latest update :)

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Category: Orders
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