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Error - Site Design/site Message

241 posts
Mon Apr 29, 24 4:14 PM CST

I have a writing with two links to other pages on the site.

these two links have always worked, now I have agreed that only on the home page they don't work
while on all the other pages yes.
I also saw by doing some tests that if I select the site message in "Above the site header" it also works on the home page, but I need it in "Under the site header" and the links don't work here.
some idea? Thank you
Edited Mon Apr 29, 24 4:14 PM by Marco B
16,690 posts (admin)
Tue Apr 30, 24 4:08 AM CST

You have a 128 pixel top margin on this element you added with the page designer that is covering those links. You nee to change that.

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Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
241 posts
Tue Apr 30, 24 5:05 AM CST

I can't delete these drop areas and therefore whatever I do ends up on the "site message"

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16,690 posts (admin)
Tue Apr 30, 24 9:54 AM CST

You've added a lot of content rows there with very high margins that pushed it up into the header. You need to delete all those rows up there. Otherwide,  load a blank template and start over. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
241 posts
Wed May 22, 24 1:52 AM CST
I deleted everything from the home page, to start from scratch (but without saving the page).
when I try to put an object back it always shows me many drop areas, but there is nothing there.

some idea

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16,690 posts (admin)
Wed May 22, 24 10:03 AM CST

Click Settings in the menu then UNDERNEATH the left menu click MYSQL query.

Copy the following line, paste it there and click run. This will delete the existing content.

UPDATE ms_calendar SET page_design='' WHERE page_home='1';

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
241 posts
Wed May 22, 24 11:29 AM CST


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