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Customer Import For Qr Without Passcodes

308 posts
Fri Apr 26, 24 8:55 PM CST

Hey Tim,

If we get information for players pre-shoot but we generally don't use passcodes unless it's dance or gymnasts or something a little more sensitive.  However we have always wanted a way to attach the potential customer data that we have to certain galleries as pre-registers.  Would there be any issues setting a gallery up as a passcode job, import the customer data (name, phone, email, ect) via the .csv file as if we were going to use passcodes.  Turn passcodes off, upload the photos as usual and use the people tab to send out a ready email and automated emails?  I know it's kind of a work around but wanted to know from you if it was feasible or not.   Thank you.  

16,922 posts (admin)
Mon Apr 29, 24 3:05 AM CST

Should work.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
308 posts
Thu May 09, 24 10:02 AM CST

Thank you Tim.  After uploading the csv file and mapping the fields.  Processing is taking long enough to time out the firewall.  Have you seen that at all or have any ideas on what may be causing it?  It is a rather large .csv file with about 800 lines and I was having sytist create the passcodes.  I know godaddy is not ideal, I am still on saratoga's waitlist as he migrates his servers.  But I have talked to godady and this was their response: 504 errors could have occurred because of several different issues.  Thank you for any help you can offer.  

1. The server's resources are overloaded (CPU/memory/disk). You should be able to verify this within the hosting server's error logs.

2. Timeout waiting for output from a CGI script. This is an issue that will need to be addressed on the hosting server as well.

3. Corrupted Databases on the hosting server or faulty web server configuration.

4. A request taking longer than 180 seconds to answer. The firewall has a hard timeout of 180 seconds. Unfortunately, this timeout cannot be adjusted and can only be avoided by bypassing the firewall or adjusting the request to run under the 180-second timeout (Please note, bypassing the firewall is not a suggested solution for a visitor. We only suggest bypassing the firewall for development changes and testing).

16,922 posts (admin)
Fri May 10, 24 3:50 AM CST

If it is too big for the server to process then break it into smaller files and see if those import.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
308 posts
Thu Oct 31, 24 1:28 PM CST

Hey Tim,

Has anything changed on my first comment of this thread?  When we upload .csv files it is not attaching any of the people or contact information to the gallery.  Thanks.

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Category: People
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