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Current Version: 5.2.4 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Photos Uploading Out Of Order
Hey Tim,
We are experiencing an issue where photos do not upload in order. We would like for the photos to be set to upload in "ascending order by title". Where is this setting?
What seems to be happening on upload is that photos we have named and numbered in the titles / file name upload in seemingly random order. We've worked around this by clicking "Rearrange Photos" after uploading and then arranging them again manually.
Is there a setting that does this automatically?
Thank you!
Photos are uploaded in the order they are in when you select from your computer and upload. That will be by filename most likely. There is not an option to sort photos by titles.
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I may have misspoke here. If we have filename photo001.jpg, photo002.jpg and photo003.jpg (normally like 60 at once) then they are showing up as say 003, 001, 002 out of order, from the filename (not the title).
Does that help? Same result?
That is how they should be named. Are you uploading folders of photos and using a Mac? Apple products have issues with them getting uploaded in order when uploading folder of photos.
There is an option in Settings -> Photo Settings for exactly that: Arrange Order of Photos & Sub Galleries After Upload By Name Ascending.
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A little bit of a go-between here with the client. She si going to check out that settings for the photos. She had a follow up question though:
"The other question is when uploading multiple folders of photos at the same time, the folders will load in a haphazard order whether on a Mac or a PC. One they are all up, it seems to rite itself. (Ie, if there are folders names 1, 2, 3, 4…. They might be loaded in the order of 4, 2, 3, 1 or 4, 3, 2, 1…but will show in ascending order once they are all loaded)"
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