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Current Version: 5.2.4 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Template Emails Does Not Populate The Replace Codes When The Email Is Sent
I am just trying to test the default emails, and they send, but the info in the replace codes does not get merged. I am only sending to a test account of my own atm, from the account it self, not set up as an automated email .
What am I doing wrong?
This is because not all replace codes work in all places.
My Email Address:
Hi Tim,
Thanks for your reply, I am just confused though, because the replace codes in question are in the sample templates that are part of Sytist. Surely those ones would work?
It depends on where you are sending the email from.
If you are sending a message from a customers account, it is not going replace codes meant for an order because there is no order data.
My Email Address:
The email is being sent from the customers account and is the one to remind them that it is expiring, and contains this:
What are you clicking to send it?
My Email Address:
Hi Tim
I am clicking that - as shown in the screen grab. I seem to get to this screen from 3 different places, the email icon next to a customer name in the dashboard, in the customer list shown at PEOPLE>>ACCOUNTS and when clicking the email address in the customers account.
It just seems odd that I would be able to select the email templates from these places if the replace codes don't work from these places, why are they included in the default emails included with Sytist?
Can I not send a default email with functional replace codes to one person? Or test send one?
I have found that I can send to a whole gallery list from within that gallery, but not to a specific member of that gallery from within the gallery view.
You can't send an email about a gallery from a customer's account because there is no gallery data there. Like
To send gallery information,
- go the gallery
- click the People tab
- Send Message
- UNCHECK the options under "Send message to:",
- Click '"Enter additional email addresses" and enter in their email address.
My Email Address:
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