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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Bulk Delete Images Not On Website
Hi Tim,
Is there a fast way to delete the 2117 Photos Not Shown On Website?
25% are ghosts. As in an urgent need to make space on the hosting server, we deleted images directly from the command line. I know... not best practice. >-(
Of the other 75%, are images from Galleries that were deleted without removing the photos.
Thanks, Mark
Our backstory - how we use Sytist.
90% of what we use Sytist for is the proofing galleries. The other 10% is the Calendar sign up, specifically custom events.
I'm sure the majority of your clients are portrait studios, while we do portrait photograhy (and events) we are predominantly do volume work - school pictures.
Tim may have a better way, but since you deleted the galleries without deleting the images, they are now orphaned. So the only way i know of is to use "all photos" in the admin and start selecting the images that need to be deleted and delete them just by adding them to the photo tray and click the garbage can. You can use the filter and narrow down by date, if that helps. You should all so be using S3 to store your photos.
Yes all that I know. Hence the “bulk delete” in subject.
S3 = Amazon. No thanks.
Issue is mute
had a minion, kick out the jams and click 2000+ trash cans.
Well if you do not want to go through that again and have to free up space, remember to delete photos when deleting galleries. Not sure why you asked then if you already knew how to bulk delete.
Thanks Vance for ‘splaining what I wrote in my original post.
Some of those photos may be being used like for billboards and such. There is not bulk way to delete all of those because of that.
Click the Upload Session link.
That will show all the photos uploaded at that time.
Then you can select all and delete all the photos in that upload session.
My Email Address:
Hi Tim,
Thanks - that's a workable solution - deleting by session.
Happy Holidays and have a great New Year.
Uh Oh, I had no idea that when i deleted galleries and all photos that all the ordered photos were not actually being deleted because of an automatically ticked box somewhere else in the system.
Now after a big tidy up I realise I have been paying storage on 13,000 photos for years without realising :(
Is there an update in the new version with a SELECT ALL option so we can bulk select and delete these?
There is no way of selecting galleries to do in sections (As suggested by someone else) as they are not showing in galleries as the galleries were deleted. Major glitch here....
Does the update support this? I will update if yes...

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