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Current Version: 5.2.4 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
New Host
Good afternoon,
I have transferred to a new host. I have read the article Moving Sytist from one host to another | Sytist Manual | Installation | PicturesPro but I am having trouble understanding, even when I read it step by step. I have been working on this for hours.
Is there a way to pay for someone at Sytist to do the transfer instead of doing a completely new install and losing my saved information such as pricing, collections and etc.
Thank you,
Heather at Love Bugs Photography offers a transfer service, I don't know a price though. Her email is _______________
My Email Address:
Thank you. I will reach out to her.
I have messaged her. If I don't hear back I will likely do a fresh install.
I would like to follow this up by saying that Heather was an incredible help to me! If anyone is reading this and needs help with the transfer of sytist to a new host, do not hesitate to reach out to Heather.
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