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Access Account Info For External App

134 posts
Thu Nov 09, 23 9:18 PM CST

Hi Tim - thanks for the recent look under the hood re database table. This leads me to ask two and potentially more questions.

I would love to ba ble to pass login information to a 3rd party support ticket system I run so users dont have to have a seperate account. 

I thought it might have been wp_users but theres not enough entries there to match the number of accounts shown of the dashboard?

Is there a good place you can recommened to learn some of this stuff so I dont keep bugging you and other users?

134 posts
Thu Nov 09, 23 9:21 PM CST

Is it possible to download photos unzipped or access photos from the database or back end? I ask with possibly or uploading in high res and working out a way to generate a print queue

Edited Thu Nov 09, 23 9:21 PM by Darrell Jones
134 posts
Mon Nov 13, 23 8:40 PM CST

So ms_people? Tim I saw another post stating that you don't want people writing back into sytist as that invalidates the software agreement. Is reading data out of it ok?

134 posts
Sun Nov 19, 23 7:10 PM CST

Any update?

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Category: People
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