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Twillio And A2p Compliance

295 posts
Mon Sep 18, 23 1:19 PM CST

Has anyone had to get A2P compliant through Twillio?  If so, were you successful?  We have been rejected twice, I'd love to know what you registered as if you were able to get accepted.  Or if your SMS messages still go through without having to register.  Thanks. 

474 posts
Mon Sep 18, 23 4:32 PM CST

Twillio is very confusing, i have not done A2P if i recall right. But it is working just fine through my site. I Think A2P is for like campaigns with a 3rd party. Just try to get your number verified first. I just requested a A2P report, i will let you know what the result was, when they send it to me. They have been deducting from my pre payment and customers have been getting the messages. On  a side note you can not reply back using your twillio number.

21 posts
Mon Sep 18, 23 9:31 PM CST

I had to do A2P on both Twilio and RingCentral. I completed Twilio in March and was rejected on RingCentral 4 times and finally completed it last month (August 2023). I found that if I followed Twilio's instructions to the letter and don't be too honest (tell them that you aren't planning on sending short codes or links even though you may decide to later), you should experience success. I believe that A2P was initiated by companies like ATT TMobile & Verizon in order to drastically reduce spam texting. So using it with that in mind should keep you out of their crosshairs. My biggest fear with not completing the registration was the possibility that I could send messages but not get a notice that they weren't being delivered.

295 posts
Thu Sep 21, 23 8:37 AM CST

Thanks guys, I am on my 3rd attempt.  They are certainly picky when it comes to all of the information they want. 

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