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Current Version: 5.2.4 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
"selected No To Communications" Vs Opt-out ?
A bit of a weird one maybe?
A client is pissy with me as they haven't been getting any comms.. a look at their account sees they ticked "no" to comms in 2022 but they cant see in their account how to reverse this and neither could I?
I looked in Opt-Out emails and they don't seem sortable or searchable which meant it would be hard to remove anyone from it ..
So then I went back into her account and wondered if I opted her IN to opt-out ( lol ), then maybe it would pop her email at the top of the list and it would be easy to remove ..
But as soon as I did that a big red "THIS PERSON HAS OPTED OUT.." message came up on her account and it was simple enough to tick to opt her back in ( gosh, stay with me! )
The red warning only came up on her account when I ticked opt-out and was simple enough to remove. Curious, I looked at a few other accounts on my "opt out" list and again, no red warning on their account until I double-dipped so to speak and added them on myself.
TLDR: "THIS PERSON HAS OPTED OUT.." only appears on accounts I have opted out for the client on their behalf.. not when they do it themselves.
To remove a person from an opt-out list, I have to manually add them to it in the backend, ( even though they are already on it ), then remove them again ...
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