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New Feature In Last Update - Download Photos From Orders Not Working

53 posts
Mon Apr 10, 23 8:00 PM CST

I am finding that the new feature " Download Photos" when you click on Stats and sales for a gallery and then select all - it's very problematic. It will work for some galleries and not others. 

It just sits in "zipping" much longer than the time estimated.  Is anyone else having this issue - is there a reason why.  Its about 2.7 GB photos to zip and about 229 photos for this one gallery I just cannot get to work. A similar one with same size and amount of photos worked easily.  

16,564 posts (admin)
Wed Apr 12, 23 4:30 AM CST

No idea. Perhaps a corrupt image creating an error and stopping the process.

You can email me the following for me to look into it: 

  • The link / URL to your Sytist admin (where you log into your Sytist admin).
  • The admin username and password (or create me an admin account by clicking Admins in the upper right corner of the admin pages).
  • FTP username and password.
  • Name of a gallery that doesn't work
  • Name of a gallery that does work

Be sure passwords work. Previous information does not work.

Edited Wed Apr 12, 23 4:30 AM by Tim -
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
59 posts
Mon Oct 02, 23 7:39 PM CST

Hi Tim,

I haven't had any luck with any of my galleries. I try to download all and it freezes at 73%, or 96.34%, or 5.4%.

I tried to only download photos from 50 orders, then from 20 orders. Still won't finish.

I would be  a great feature if I could get it to work.

NOTE: All photos are on Amazon S3. Some galleries have normal jpg's, others are greenscreen.


16,564 posts (admin)
Tue Oct 03, 23 4:28 AM CST

Most likely a hosting issue. You can send me the info above.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
441 posts
Fri May 31, 24 10:16 PM CST

I am having the same problem .. images download perfect, but I just get the circle of death mostly with the zipping part ..

Attached Photos

16,564 posts (admin)
Mon Jun 03, 24 9:41 AM CST

It is going to be a hosting issue and not a Sytist issue. Check your error log.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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