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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Missing Order
Hi, I have a stripe amount that came in for an order last year but I did not receive an email confirming the order. I cannot find the order under any of the parent names and it is marked as payment succeeded on stripe. The stripe details say the order originated from my sytist website. I am baffled as to where the order could be, or why this has happened - any ideas? thanks!
Perhaps there was a server / network error when Stripe was sending back the payment data to create the order. You would have to look for an abandoned shopping cart for it in Stats -> Shopping Carts.
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Thanks tim, I found the shopping cart, it was not abandoned, the page says checkout was completed, stripe took the money but there is no record of the order anywhere else I can see.
That doesn't make since. The shopping cart would not say checkout complete. If you see the cart and not an order then you can click the create order button when viewing the cart in the admin.
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I'm having this issue too. A customer placed an order, used PayPal, I got the money, she got the PP notification, but no confirmation email from the site. They ordered as a Guest, and I don't see it in Abandoned Carts, nor in the open carts on the main page. Could there be some other limbo place where the order is?
Disregard this. It turns out PayPal delayed the transaction as suspicious, but then it went through after a couple of hours.
Happened often, when I used to use pp. Doesn't happen ever now I use square.
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Look into using the PayPal checkout option. It is better than the standard and more options for people to pay.
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